Monday, January 3, 2011


Write a short story of 1,000-10,000 words based on the following:
"I hate polite people. Especially when they're murderers."

See you Friday! Best of luck.


  1. Ooooooh. Really. I can only make unintelligible noises and shake my head right now. Great prompt!

  2. Brilliant prompt. A scene is alreayd playing out in my head...perfect.

  3. I've been quietly lurking in the darkness over here *points to dark corner* silently waiting for the first prompt to decide whether I join or not. And I LOVE it. So, I guess I'm in. =D

  4. YAY, welcome Madeline!! great to have you :D

    Awesome prompt, hehehehehehehehe...heh... *runs off to write*

  5. Thanks. ^__^ I may be a bit young but that means I got plenty of time to grow as a writer. This should totally help me. I agree, the prompt is most definitely amazing.


    Tehehe. Off to start mine.

  7. Ideas are rolling, I'm just waiting for the right one to click.

  8. I'm over 1k already...but got no idea how my story will end. hehe

  9. Well, mine's already gone more towards funny than scary xD It's got a voo doo man trying to kill someone :P And he's failing pretty bad right now

  10. Yay for funnies!! I don't think mine is gonna be that funny, but maybe i'll end it with a silly joke. hehe

  11. Ooh, this sounds like a great prompt. I'll be working on it, probably!

  12. Hi, I actually posted on the NaNoWriMo forums that I wanted to take part in the experiment and all, but I can't seem to find my post anymore. alas and alack.
    Anyway, amazing prompt; by sheer coincidence, it fits perfectly with a story idea I was already pondering. It's a sign! :P

  13. I'd like to join. My name is Eyglo and I got a hint of this through an online friend. I have a toddler so I hope I'll be able to manage the time. I love to write and use every opportunity to grow.

  14. Welcome Michael!! Great to seeyou here :D

    And Eygló, it was the 'it doesn't matter if you skip a week' that did it, right? hehe. Welcome, so glad to see ya here!

  15. It was indeed! Now lets see if I can do this... ;)

  16. Don't pressure yourself (unless of course, you want to :D) Just have fun! :) That goes for everyone!!

  17. I love this project and have sent you an email to sign up. This is a great prompt but the first thing I thought when I read it was 'Dexter'. While he's a great character - I don't want to write about him. LOL So, we'll see if inspiration hits me tonight - or not

  18. Welcome Sherry! I think it's really going to be interesting how people interpret this prompt. It actually reminded me of certain family members. ::Dark laugh::

  19. Hey guys! I love the idea of this blog! I love the fact that one of you will be posting each week!

  20. Hi Sarah! Yep. We're all writing stories, but only one of us will post. We're also inviting two participants to guest post on the weekends.

  21. Welcome Sheery and Sarah! ;D

    It's Friday here already. hehehehe. good ole GMT+8!


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