Saturday, January 28, 2012

How's everybody going?

I've lost track of my fellow Chrysalis hostesses :( I think they're floating in the portion of space known as "real life has taken over". I miss them! But the show must go on, as the saying goes!

How's everyone going with their creative/other goals this year so far?

My goals are mostly on track, but the health goals are on hold temporarily while I recover from a minor surgery I had on Friday. My writing goals are going well, and I'm a little bit ahead in some areas. I'm finding it quite easy to get in my 'slacker' time, which possibly means I'm not doing enough. But I'm not going to expand on my goals just yet, 'cause I think that could lead to exhaustion!

But now it's your turn - let's have your updates!! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week #2 check-in/up

Hey everyone!! How's everything going? Are you meeting your goals? Do you even know your goals yet?

I'm finding it interesting so far this year, because I'm working on a fair few projects at once but I feel like I'm not doing much. I guess last year was really busy and I was working on one given project at a time, and throwing my all into it. This year is a little different. But I'm liking it - the variety keeps things interesting and fresh!

What's a creative project you're working on or planning to work on right now?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week #1 check-in (check-up?)

So, let's have a rehash of week #1. For me, I had the following goals:

  • Revise one chapter of a WIP (any WIP)
  • Revise one Chrysalis story from 2011
  • Read one Catrina story
  • Attend a yoga class (fitness)
  • Beach walk 1 (fitness)
  • Beach walk 2 (fitness)
  • Write 1 song
  • Write 1000 words on a WIP (any WIP)
  • Sort 100 photos & transfer to iPhoto

I achieved most of these. The only one I didn't do was the yoga class, but I did an extra beach walk to make up for it (or to "sort of" make up for it? hehe). The song was the first thing I got done. I revised a chapter of one of my hugely overblown novels (it was 148k or so at the start...needs to be more like 95k!), which was quite satisfying (slash and burn was involved). I revised my first Chrysalis story and decided it will be shelved, and I won't try and publish it or anything. I wrote over a thousand words on one of my unfinished novels from NaNo 2011. And I technically put a lot more than 100 photos into iPhoto, but only about 100 were newly sorted.

All in all, a productive week, but I'm finding that it's better not to be locked into any particular day for doing any particular task I've set myself. It's good to have so many things to work on, so that I can pick and choose!

Anyway, over to you! How'd you guys go with your weekly goals?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's your "weekly" goal, then?

Come on guys, share your plans with us!

In my case, I'm actually planning on doing a lot of things on a weekly basis. Posting on my (other) blog, revising a chapter of a WIP (whatever WIP I'm working on at the time), going to a yoga class, walking by the beach... There are more, but I'll leave it there. Except to say that I do have a Chrysalis-specific goal, and that is to write one new song a week.

If we're going to do this "choose your own adventure" version of Chrysalis, then I want to know what you guys are going to choose (barring Mayan Apocalypse, as Michael pointed out :D). Some of the ideas floating around were a) doing one short story per week again, b) writing one novella a month for 2012, etc.

Still waiting on that Exit Survey, by the way, but you'll see it here when it's ready! about a little Entrance Survey for 2012?

1. What are you going to aim for with Chrysalis in 2012? It can be any goal, as long as it's weekly!

2. Do you have a strategy for how you're going to handle 2012's writing/whatevering goals?

3. Were you satisfied with your progress (in whatever you were doing) last year?

4. What do you aim to do differently this year?

5. Do you like fluffy bunnies, or shorn bunnies, or neither? :)

6. And finally...what other question should I put here that my mind isn't brilliant enough to come up with?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A new year! What about Chrysalis?

I don't know about you guys, but for me last year was quite the challenge! I wrote 52 short stories in 52 weeks! At one point I was about four weeks behind, or was it five? Either way, it was painful catching up, but I did it. I think the point I'm trying to make, though, is that I'm in no hurry to repeat last year's experience!

My co-hosts and I haven't really talked about what will happen this year with the Chrysalis blog, or anything Chrysalis-related. I get the distinct impression those two are rather burned out, and I can totally relate to that! I can speak for me however when I say I will be doing something Chrysalis-related this year. My challenge is one I've chosen to suit just me, and it's related to songwriting and recording. There was discussion a few months back (I think that was when we discussed it...) about what we might do in 2012. Well, there were lots of different ideas, and it occurred to me that maybe in 2012 everyone should make their own Chrysalis challenge. Basically, something that happens once a week, related to writing, that you can report on here (and on your blog of course). You can use the Chrysalis platform to keep you motivated!

I'm not really sure how it'd work. I'm not sure if we will have prompts. I'm not sure of anything! But I do know that I would be sad to see this blog and Chrysalis in general just die in the dust.

So what do you guys think??

P.S. There will be an exit survey...soon!