Monday, March 21, 2011


Oooooh.  Here we stand at an even dozen.  A dozen short stories is like a small anthology.  Is anyone compiling an anthology?

Here's this week's prompt. 

Write a short story of 1000-10,000 words, based on the following:

Do you know how many times God has wanted to destroy the world?*  I think we must read the same newspaper.**

*Apocalyptic theme courtesy of OMG-the-Mayan-Calendar-is-Ending-Bad-Bad-Things-are-Happening-Freakout-2012.  12 stories.  2012.  Does it work or am I trying too hard?

* *It might be fair to speculate that we may be fans of the same sports teams too.


  1. DUDE, I already wrote mine! And I can't share till Friday. damn. lol

  2. Good one, good one... I think I actually have a bit of an idea this week. *grins*

  3. I'm going to have to stew on this one. Yes, yes.*

    *For some reason I've gotten in the habit of saying my words twice in my mind. I think it may have to do with the character in my short story last week. XD

  4. Happy to oblige. This prompt brought to you by Orson Scott Card, a western called High Noon, Jackson Pearce ( and the number 12!!!!


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